Case Study

Company Expansion: Threat Assessments Mitigate Risks Overseas

an impressive city scape viewed from a bay at sunset. Image links to a case study on overseas company expansion and mitigating risks.
  • Confidential, International Organization
  • Industrial, Manufacturing
  • A large manufacturing organization in the midst of an overseas expansion was seeking an assessment of risks and vulnerabilities associated with an emerging and politically turbulent location.
  • Threat, Vulnerability, and Risk Assessment (TVRA)
  • Travel Risk Report
  • Red5’s assessment and analysis enabled the Client to mitigate their in-country risk and improve the overall safety of their personnel and business infrastructure throughout their expansion without incident.
  • Red5 deployed security Subject Matter Experts conduct to site surveys of the Client’s office facility, temporary residences, and the surrounding areas.
  • These surveys identified relevant threats and recommended appropriate measures to mitigate the Client’s in-country risk.
  • Red5 delivered an in-country brief for the Client’s personnel, including the identification of go and no-go zones, safe havens, and specific nuances of operating in the city and country.

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